Hey Justin, I’m right there with you about Hype Cycle of headlines. I’d much rather rest on the plateau than bob through the choppy waters of sensational media. You choose great details, and I love you told this story, weaving your experiences and insights. Great ending too!

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This is so great Justin! I stopped watching the news a while ago and it was generally positive (I was a little late to covid, you can imagine how impossible that seemed to someone out of the know) and I am always happier when I’m not hooked on the next big sensational thing. I lived at home for a year and my parents play the news literally 24/7. I felt like I walked into a hyper sensitive alternate reality. Great piece! Loved that it was inspired by this guys shirt.

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"Hyper sensitive alternate reality" is a great way to put it. News has become increasingly detached from real life in a way that is extremely jarring. Unfortunately it can be hard for folks to understand this when they're plugged into it 24/7. Definitely some more about this that I'd like to explore. Thanks for reading!

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"The void has become a halo."

I love that. This was such a great read, Justin!

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Justin this is so good! As someone who stopped following the news many years ago, I find this hilariously relatable. I get told “you live under a rock” quite often, but life under my rock is more beautiful, the people are happier, and the breaking news is mostly good. I am always trying to balance having an awareness for what is going on in the world with a filter for what is real vs what is dramatized, constant negative news. Thank you for sharing!

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Thank you! "The Benefits of Living Under a Rock" is a good alternative title. I think the key is that it's YOUR rock, not some rock out there that someone else chooses for you. It is a very empowering thing.

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