Justin, I think your point about John Deuss and commodity traders can be applied more generally. Many of our past geniuses (in and beyond businesses) were "bad guys". And not only with today's moral compass. In many cases they were reprehensible in their own times also. At the time, they could easily shrug off their critics. Today, with social networks, public market scrutiny and other ways of moral policing, these type of behaviors and lifestyles are much more difficult to maintain. The modern geniuses are probably being nipped in the bud before we even notice them.

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I agree in part. There has been a general push to "flatten" society and crush behavior that doesn't toe an increasingly narrow line. But I think a lot of limits are also completely self-imposed. And I believe more people are starting to realize this.

The hyper-speed of information is actually helpful in this regard. If you say or do something that people screech about online, it'll pass. And quicker than you think. When someone is doing something great, there will always be hecklers throwing stones from the sidelines.

More broadly, I'm not saying one needs to act reprehensibly. But rather for ambitious people to stop being so passive in their behavior. To stop taking the comfortable approach to life. A little bit of boldness goes a long way, even if it's just in the form of being more direct in emails.

Appreciate the comment.

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